Clubs & Activities
- mathcounts club
- Battle of the Books
- Creative Expressions
- Knitting Club
- Run Club
- Student Council
- Chorus
- Instrumental Music
- Intramurals
- Reflections
- Sixth-Grade Special Events
- Studio Club
mathcounts club
Grades 5-6 High Performing Math Students
MATHCOUNTS Club Program is designed to increase enthusiasm for math by encouraging the formation within schools of math clubs that conduct fun meetings with a variety of math activities. The activities provided for the MCP foster a positive social atmosphere with a focus on students working together as a club to earn recognition and rewards in the MATHCOUNTS Club Program.
This club will be parent led. It will afford students with the opportunity to work through challenging math problems and concepts. Sixth graders in this club will be preparing to participate in the MATHCOUNTS competition program.
Battle of the Books
Grades 4, 5, 6
Students will be put into teams. The teams will read 30 novels before the district-wide competition in April. Meeting twice a month, students will report in on their reading and write questions for practice. During the month of April, the club will hold 4 to 5 competitions to find the team that "knows" their books the best. This time will represent us on a Saturday.
Battle of the Books is a reading competition. Students work in teams to read a set of 30 books. The teams then compete in a trivia competition about the books they read. The winning team is invited to compete in the District 15 competition in April for a chance to take home the Battle of the Books trophy.
Creative Expressions
Knitting Club
Grades 3, 4, 5, 6
Students will learn basic stitches in order to create a knitted hat or scarf.As students learn the craft of knitting, they will practice reading comprehension, analytical thinking, eye-hand coordination, and sustained focus. They will also practice the hands-on life skills of patience and determination.
Run Club
Grades 3, 4, 5
Our vision/goal for the club is to create a safe environment for kids to run. They will be training/prepping for the Got2Run for Education race at the end of May. This club will meet after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays (from 3:30-5), starting after Spring Break.
There are many benefits to students who join this club. Students will refine/build their running skills as well as learn proper running and breathing techniques, the importance of teamwork, perseverance, mantras, etc. 5th graders will use this club to prepare for 6th grade track and cross country.
Student Council
Grades 3, 4, 5, 6
The goal of this club is to build respect and responsibility through activities aimed at building a sense of community among the students and families. We will focus on social action, spirit, and fundraising efforts to help our HR community. Students who join this club will gain a sense of pride, leadership skills, empathy, and be able to their creativity through drawing, writing, and speaking. This club helps students who struggle with low self esteem and have difficulty connecting with the community and works to help these students and others gain a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Instrumental Music
Band & Orchestra
Beginning Band - 5th Grade (1st offered although some 6th graders may begin if they move in/change mind etc.) One 30-minute lesson (1-6 students in a group) one time per week.
September-June plus one before school rehearsals with multiple schools & instruments (about 100 students) one time per week.
Intermediate Band - 6th Grade One time per week in small group lessons September-June and two before-school rehearsals.
No fee for the program, just parent responsibility to acquire instrument, book, music stand, and transport to morning rehearsal at another school.
PTA Parent Representative • Open to ALL students
State-sponsored art competition focused on a particular theme each year. Students are given flyers at school with specifics of that year's theme. Participants can create written or visual artwork around the theme and submit on a certain date. Work is displayed throughout the school & winners then compete on the state level.
Sixth-Grade Special Events
2 Ball is a basketball contest that students must try-out at MJ before they can move on to the district competition. The content takes place in February at the Palatine Community Center and boys & girls compete on separate days.
Cross Country is a one mile race that is open to any 6th grader and it takes place in October at Salk Park in Rolling Meadows.
Track & Field Meet Springtime track & field meet has individual races, team relays, and field events (shot put, softball throw, and long-jump). Students must try-out at MJ before they can move on to the district competition. The meet takes place in May at Palatine High School and boys & girls compete separately.